Tom Soboleski

Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon
and wise too late. - Benjamin Franklin
Adventures and Memories
Everyone has a story, the unique journey of their life. What adventures and twists and turns have you experienced on life's journey? What are you proud of? You may want to pass your adventures and advice down to your family and friends. You might even have a story for a magazine or book.
If you've thought of writing your life story, memoir or recollections but don't know where to begin, I can help you. Or perhaps you'd like to write a memorial tribute to be read at a service celebrating your life after you pass on. Have it say what you want to say, in your voice. Some people choose to do this.
I look forward to sitting down with you. I will listen, absorb, and spend the time necessary to capture your memories and make them come to life with feeling and action.
Send me an email. Let's get started.

Memorial Tributes
These memorials were written to recognize co-workers who passed away. Each one had an entire issue of the employee newsletter devoted to them. These have been modified to change the names to protect their privacy. Locations have also been edited. Click on the buttons to open.